Very much enjoying the Tables and Game Sheets PDF.
It’s very efficient to have my iPad on my table as I play to quickly find a table during play.
The updated Adventurer sheet with new layout and spaces for Beast, escape and casting is very nice.
Previously would put escape roll needed on my combat tracker.
Also in my spellbook I pencil in a column for the roll needed to cast each slot.
For oil, food, and picks, still prefer to just pencil the numerals, as opposed to pips. Guess I got used to that from the original sheet.
The updated Monster Abilities sheet, with space for pre-filling skill tests, is terrific.
Had been putting those in the margin of my combat tracker, too.
I did find two typos:
Table FA - Find A
Pg 75 and 78, there is a gap between 34-35 and 74-75 respectively.
The book marks are beautiful!
I had made small lettered tabs from post-it notes for each table in the hard-cover books I bought. Still plan to use those, but may print the bookmarks and see how I like them.
Thank you for this excellent compendium.
Found a couple more Typos. Not sure if you mind me posting here or if there is another way to bring these to your attention, in case you do not already know about them:
Pages 22, 40, 58, the description for “Large” monster ability IS there, but the word, the title “Large” is not.
Page 69, at the bottom, all the Door types are in all caps except Magic.
Page 75 #24 the first word “as” not capitalized.
Hope this is helpful to you.
This has been an asset to my game play