Wondering if there is a type of adventurer that this game leans towards or can it be played however you wish? My D100 Dungeon world (in my vision) is dark unforgiven place.
Trying to allow my Adventurer to follow the flow not push them in a direction. But I have found higher combat abilities makes the game more forgiven. But then losing Hit Points, leading to death via obstacles (Geographic and traps), more likely.
I like to play Warlock type Adventurer.
For me, the answer is “All kinds of adventurers!”
Sylvester was my first D100 Dungeon Adventurer. Made with v2.2 rules, he had no race or hero path per se. I wanted to start with a ranger, so set his initial characteristics with Dex>Str>Int. He eventually earned a 2H Arbalest, and though found spells and scrolls never used them.
Sylvester was then upgraded to v3 as a Half Elf Druid. He survived a 2 and even 4 level deep dungeon, then tamed a Hell Hound for his beast companion, then defeated the Lich Lord in the Dragon Armor Adventure!
Next I rolled up Garrick Enjor, an Elf Scoundrel, Dex>Int>Str, eventually finding a Sup Warhammer, he became wise enough to cast spells, especially using Clone and Magic Armor before going in for the kill.
Ermelis was a High Elf Arcane Wizard, Int>Dex>Str, who liked to fire off a Fireball and follow up with his Recurve Bow.
Melgron was a Dwarf Warrior, Str>Dex>Int, he became quite unstoppable after getting his hands on a Mighty Claymore.
Arofar (born Hermi) was by far my most developed adventurer to date. A Halfling Driud, Dex>Int>Str, he soon acquired a Superior Longbow, would cast Clone to protect himself, completed the Goblin & Goblet adventure, during which he accumulated Legendary and even some Exceptionally Legendary Armor, actually had the temerity to keep the Goblet of Invisibility, forced to change his identity, took on the name Arofar, built Castle Hermié (in a smug form of defiance, morphing the pronunciation of his birth name to herm-ē-Ā), in which he stored a variety of parts for his witchery experimentation (rubs hands, Mwu-ha-ha-ha)!
Aroson, son of Arofar - who grew old and reclusive, spending his days lost in his witchery experiments. Aroson is a Halfling Paladin, Srt>Int>Dex, currently following up his father’s prior exploits embarking on the Dragons Return adventure (just finished chapter 13). He he now wields the Sword of Halgon, protects himself with Magic Armor, Clone, and a Pavise Shield, and with a Cloak of Life on his back and a few Greater and Superior pieces of armor, he fully intends to complete his quest!
NOW I have World Builder, and just today rolled up Tygron Thretgard, a Mountain Dwarf Hunter. I used Quick Adventurer and Quick Equipment rules from The Lost Tome of Extraordinary Rules and the Fast Track rules from the Adventurer’s Companion, so he is starting with Str 51, Dex 52, INT 26, HP 23, Rep 2, Fate 1, Life 2, 670 gold, a studded leather helmet, leather cloak, leather cuirass, mail sleeves, studded leather belt, mail cuisse leggings, studded leather solarets, and a 2H halberd. His home town is Brightquartz in the Stolen Mountains, a roadless region with a river running north-south, bifurcating to the southeast. He hears of 3 quests:
Witches Broth to obtain 4 ingredients for some witches in the Grasslands of Strength, just one hex to the south;
Relic Collector: a quest to find a lost relic for an Arcane Wizard in the Sea of Druids, two hexes to the north;
Rat Problem: a Cleric is willing to pay 100 gold to eliminate 4 pesky Giant Rats in the Old Marshlands, three clicks to the southeast.
Wish him luck!