Pg 16, #6, applying damage to captain: When you are hit on the waist do you make a Utility Belt check? Otherwise looks like that is just done on specific Bad events, Geographic, and Uncover.
Pg 55, Table G #60-62 Energy Circle
4-5 “…closest enemy marked with a s to the result…”
Should “s” be the Droid symbol?
Pg 67, Table L, #37-38. Just to be sure, the “old repair kit” can be used on more than one piece of armor - your text does say pieces (plural) - assuming a roll of 2 or more on the d6?
Pg 70, Table M #97-97 Forward Facing PARTIAL Beam
I’m thinking it should be PartiCal Beam, so is missing the “C”
Pg 96, Table U #75 Horus Station is not in the Hilix system.
Horus Station is in the Floxtar system.
Tiberi Colony is in the Hilix system.
Which should we use?
(Given my low level I thought it best to go to Tiberi Colony in Hilix system.)
Pg 94, Table U, #53. No typo, just to let you know I immediately got the reference. Though I am a geek and not a sports fan, I personally know the doctor who purchased one of the rare Wagner cards back in 2010.
Just for fun:
I finished my first big Away Mission post training and was lucky enough to get the Robinson family rescue mission. My captain got pretty beat up and even lost one life, but in the end got the job done. And YES, I was one of those kids watching way back when - well at least the re-runs in the 70s. “Danger! Danger Will Robinson!” Attached is my map. Love this game!!!
Thank you Martin!
Hi whybbil1, unlike d100 dungeon, if the waist is hit in combat there is no belt check in D100 Space. Thanks for the other details. That's pretty cool you know the doctor who purchased one of the rare Wagner cards. Use Horus Station in the Floxtar system.