D100 Dungeon's Book 2 The Adventurer's Companion is now available from amazon.
As these books have been evolving we have wanted to give them a specific name and we have come up with "Green Editions", due to their green text on the book badge. We hope you like the name.
I have also been asked by many of you fantastic members of the D100 Dungeon community to offer a digital versions of the new editions and I have therefore begun the process of adding the Green Editions to DriveThruRPG (and associated sites) in a Print On Demand and PDF (Digital) option.
The video below are for D100 Dungeon (Book 1), but will give you some idea of the sizes and different books available for D100 Dungeon and D100 Space.
With book 2 now published, I will be releasing book 3 The Dragon Armour soon, and then it's on to Book 4 and so on. I hope by the end of 2025 to have all books in the series for both D100 Dungeon and D100 Space fully published through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).
Watch the video below to see D100 Dungeon's
new book format available now from Amazon.