A new book format has been added to our Print on Demand books from DriveThruRPG and associated sites. The Collector's Edition books are printed in full color and have a glossy hardback cover. The pages are printed on a premium quality paper.
The Watermarked PDF is what we refer to as the Digital Edition. The watermark is very small and appears at the very bottom of every page on the left hand side. It will show your account name and an order number; it will not block or cover any of the text inside the book. The pages have a white background.
The Hardcover, Premium Color Book is what we refer to as the Collector’s Edition. It has a collector’s badge on the front cover and a gold spine effect. The pages inside are printed in full colour with a parchment background on premium paper. The book has a glossy hardback cover. Please note: There is not a Collector’s Edition of the Watermarked PDF, and so if you choose the “Watermarked PDF + Hardcover, Premium Color Book” option, the PDF you download does not have the parchment background.
The Hardcover, Standard Color Book is what we refer to as the Hardback Edition. It has a standard badge on the front cover and a grey spine. The pages inside are printed in colour on a white background and on white paper. The book has a glossy hardback cover.
The Softcover, Standard Color Book is what we refer to as the Softback Edition. It has a standard badge on the front cover and a grey spine. The pages inside are printed in colour on a white background and on white paper. The book has a glossy softback cover.
Watch the 7 minute video below to discover more about the print on demand books and the watermarked pfd. In the video we show the D100 Dungeon main rule book; however, the same format has been applied to the other print on demand books in the range.