The long awaited D100 Dungeon WORLD BUILDER expansion (book 6) is now available through DriveThruRPG as a printable pdf, or in a print on demand format, in soft back and hard back. All the game files you need are available for free download on the D100 Dungeon page, or below for your convenience.
Every Tuesday (Starting today 19th October, 2021) check in on the D100 Dungeon Video section of MK GAMES for world builder videos. We kick of today's video with a preview. Later videos demonstrate setting up the world builder games and discussions of the various rules and will end with a part play-through of the world builder game.
Bought the PDF plus Hardback (aware it may take weeks for the latter). Read through most of the rules and am very pleased, though not surprised, with the quality of the organization, layout and content. Martin, you have done it again! Can't wait to get started this weekend!
Hallelujah! I can finally get into this game! 😀
I note with interest that this item has been released as a "printable"" pdf. Has there been a policy change across the range? I've never bought into the game because the previous rulebooks were non-printable.