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Forum Posts
David Yeo
Apr 10, 2022
Do tamed beasts (at level 1) start with the beast bonus listed in Table Y of the Lost Tome of Extraordinary Rules? It would seem logical to me that this would be the case (e.g. an Eagle starts with +0 at level 1, a Tiger starts with -5 at level 1), as this reflects that more powerful monsters are harder to train. The reason I'm asking is that page 6 of the Lost Tome of Extraordinary Rules gives an example of a Hunting Dog at level 3: - In page 6, the Hunting Dog is listed as having 10HP at level 3. This is consistent with Table Y - the Hunting Dog having started with 8HP at level 1 (as listed in Table Y) and gained 2HP (1HP each at levels 2 and 3). - However page 6 also lists the Hunting Dog as having a beast bonus of +3 at level 3. This implies that the Hunting Dog started with a beast bonus of +1 at level 1 (rather than the +0 listed in Table Y), and gained +2 beast bonus (+1 each at levels 2 and 3). Sorry if I'm missing anything obvious or am being a bit nit-picky on this. I don't think this matters much for lower level monsters, but beast training for higher level monsters would be quite different if a Dragon Hatchling starts off at +1 beast bonus at level 1 as opposed to -20.
David Yeo
Apr 04, 2022
A few questions on quest loot/objectives. (1) In World Builder I'm aware that some quests have the keyword "hand in". However, for the Corebook and other expansions, I was wondering if quest loot/objectives are meant to be kept by the player after the quest is completed? There are some quests like "Dungeon Training" where I think it makes sense for the player to keep these items, but it seems odd to keep these where the quest entails an NPC asking for an item to be collected. (2) Depending on the response to (1), would a reasonable house rule be: "For quests where the player is asked to collect or retrieve an item(s) for an NPC, the player cannot keep the item(s) in question, and must hand it in to the quest giver in order to complete the quest. However, the player obtains an additional gold reward equivalent to the sale price of the item(s) handed in." Thanks in advance! Loving the game and the system!
David Yeo
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